Monday, April 4, 2011

Issues, Lastest, NEWS, Animal, Kingdom
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Animal Kingdom

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Image by Márcio Cabral de Moura

O Zoológico da Disney World, mas lá também tem brinquedos.
O Disney's

Animal Kingdom

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é um parque temático de Walt Disney World Resort, inaugurado em 22 de abril de 1998. O Parque é o maior de todo o complexo. É lar de 1.700 animais e também associado á Associação de Zoológicos e Aquários, e é dividido nas seguintes àreas:

Ásia, área dedicada ao continente, com temas de diferentes países como Índia,Nepal, Mongólia e Tailândia e possue também a maior atração do complexo a montanha russa a Expedition Everest com 61 metros de altura, que possui uma área representando um vilarejo do Nepal aos pés do Monte Evereste e no final proporciona um encontro com o lendário Yeti. Há também o Maharajah Jungle Trek onde é possivel entrar nas ruínas de um palácio, habitado por tigres,antas,morcegos e aves de todo o tipo. No Kali River Rapids é possível navegar de bote em um turbulento rio, com arquitetura indiana. O Flights of Wonder, é um imenso viveiro que possui aves exóticas como araras e papagaios, com apresentações dos animais, em lindos shows.


Disney World's Zoo

Animal Kingdom

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is an animal theme park located at the Walt Disney World Resort. The fourth park built at the resort, it opened on April 22, 1998, and it is the largest single Disney theme park in the world, covering more than 500 acres (202 ha). It is also the first Disney theme park to be themed entirely around animal conservation, a philosophy once pioneered by Walt Disney himself. Disney's

Animal Kingdom

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is accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, meaning they have met or exceeded the standards in Education, Conservation and Research.

Shortly after the park opened, Disney advertised the park using the fictional word "nahtazu". Pronounced "not a zoo," the word emphasized that the park was more than animal displays found in a typical city zoo. Disney stopped using the phrase in January 2006.

The Tree of Life, a sculpted 14-story (145-foot-tall [44 m]), 50-foot-wide (15 m) tree, is the centerpiece and icon in Disney's

Animal Kingdom

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theme park. Tourists can walk around the whole park to see all 325 animals carved in the bark of this massive tree attraction.

In 2009, the park hosted approximately 9.59 million guests, ranking it the fifth-most visited amusement park in the United States and eighth-most visited in the world


Uganda Mweya QENP _DSC15036


Image by youngrobv (Rob&Ale)

As we neared Mweya Safari Lodge, more and more animals appeared, eventhough to get this Waterbuck I had to add the 2x teleconverter, but at least this time I got Karim to stop the car... Continued...

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